
What’s on Your Summer Bucket List?

Last night, the Orange County Altec team took a group outing to watch two other important teams, the Angels and Dodgers, at a baseball game. It was great! We hope you’ve been checking some fun summer activities—camping, fairs, trips to the zoo, lake and beach—off your summer bucket list too. Did going paperless make it on to that list? It may not sound as exciting as a barbeque by the pool but we promise that it is just as fruitful. You’ll enjoy the results, and they’ll definitely last longer.

If this seems like too large a task, especially during a season when you’re spending more time enjoying those long evenings with family and friends, break it down. This summer’s goal can be simply taking the first step: call your ERP software partner or call someone here at Altec. Who knows? Things may progress quickly. With so many resources on document management solutions available, like whitepapers and tips to overcome budget limitations, you may find that you’re ready to get started right away!

Still not convinced that this item fits in alongside the others on your checklist? Consider the following: last night, I left the game with a baseball cap and some fun memories. Nobody disputes the importance of such priceless memories but some things should be quantified. We know that document management solutions, for instance, have a very high return on investment. One of our customers implemented a document management solution and anticipated a seven-year ROI but found that this timeframe shortened to five years. Your company’s transition to a paperless business is worth it, and the money- and time-saving results just might make the switch the highlight of the summer.