
“Did You Know…?” Solution: Payroll & Inventory

Did you know that you can tackle a payroll and inventory problem with DocLink?

When you hear the term “document management,” it isn’t always the complex processes and unique solutions that come to mind. Most people imagine the simplest feature that a document management software can do – store documents digitally. DocLink strikes several different chords though when it comes to the robustness of its problem-solving capabilities which is why I ask you, “Did you know…?”

One of the strongest features in our arsenal to tackle your business pains is the flexible and configurable Smart Form Toolkit which allows you to mold forms to your specific process needs. These native forms are easily pushed through automatically where you need them to go afterward. When working with a uniform ordering company, we discovered a problem they were experiencing: employees purchasing additional attire would quit before Payroll deducted the cost of that apparel. The manual process they were using to get information between departments was leading to financial losses.

Smart Forms to the rescue! By using a Smart Form for the ordering process, the company was able to get full visibility immediately. Once an employee placed an order through the form, that information was instantaneously routed to Payroll who could then bill the employee accordingly by adjusting disbursements. If the employee is guaranteed his/her first two uniforms free for a value of $54 (or whatever amount you designate), DocLink can withhold from notifying Payroll until that value has been surpassed. Fewer lost dollars, fewer lost uniforms and more visibility all around.